Nassau Newsletter
December, 2010
Volume xvii, Number 12
Michael Slavin - President, Paul Eccardt - Vice President, Paul Keogler - Treasurer, Allan Schumacker - Secretary

Dinner Party

Our December meeting will be our annual Holiday Party, to be held on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 7:00 PM at:

Tesoro Ristorante
967 Old Country Road
Westbury, New York 11590
(516) 334-0022

The full-course dinner is $45 per person (including tax and tip) with a cash bar. We hope everyone will plan to attend. Proper casual attire is recommended. Please send your reservations/payment to our treasurer:

Paul Keogler
C/O Dancing Ivories
11 Washington Avenue
Bay Shore, NY 11706

See directions and map on page 3

Ruth & Webb Phillips

Your Source for Dampp-Chaser® Products

Fast, Friendly Service with
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Toll-free 888-622-7426
Fax 215-491-1352

Finish Repair Supplies - Pinblocks - Plugs
Milwaukee, Metabo, Porter-Cable
and Dremel Power Tools
All our friends and colleagues who receive this newsletter are always invited to attend our monthly meetings and technical presentations, and especially to join us at our annual holiday dinner party.
Tech Tip
by Michael Slavin, Chapter President

Annual reminder: It is now winter, and you should try to remember to remove your glues from your car overnight during the cold season. Constant freeze-thaw cycles can reduce the bonding properties and effectiveness of most adhesives (especially carpenter's wood glues such as Tite-Bond, PVC-E, etc.). And there is also the added inconvenience of trying to make a repair with a glue that is frozen solid or so thick that it will not flow.
