Tech Tip
by Michael Slavin, RPT
Occasionally it is necessary to install a heating bar directly in the
action as part of a Dampp-Chaser system to control specific humidity related
problems in that area, such as tight centers, rust accumulation, or pin-block
exposure to extremes. Usually the clips for the heat rod are mounted at the
breaks in the keyboard, elevated by long screws and stand-offs to clear the
keysticks. These stand-offs are no longer available from Dampp-Chaser. I
have found that standard brass refill tubes for toilet tank floats/ballcocks
(1/4-inch O.D.) available at all hardware and plumbing supplies are the ideal
substitute. The inner diameter perfectly accepts the 2-inch screws supplied
by Dampp-Chaser to mount
H-2 humidistats (which also fit through the hole in the clips) and the soft
brass is easy to cut to the desired length.