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Tech Tip
by Michael Slavin, Chapter President

Repairs with CA glue are usually very quick and easy. However, certain procedures, like doping loose tuning pins, can take longer and expose us to the harmful and toxic (cyanide) vapors for a considerable time. While fans and adequate ventilation can be somewhat helpful in reducing exposure, there are no masks or filters that are effective for CA vapors. The only true solution is an expensive self-contained breathing apparatus, which is not really a viable option. There is one inexpensive and simple approach to address the problem which you might consider. With one hose attached to the vacuum inlet of your shop vacuum and held at the work site, and an additional hose attached to the blower outlet and run through an open window, the shop vacuum can be used as an air-exchanger and much of the fumes and vapors can be directed to the outside.

Proposed Minutes of the October 12, 2010 Meeting
by Allan Schumacker - Secretary

A meeting of the Long Island Nassau Chapter, PTG was held on October 12, 2010, at Frank and Camille’s Keyboard Center located on Old Country Road in Carle Place. Seven chapter members and one guest attended.

President Slavin called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.

Minutes for the September 14, 2010 meeting were accepted as corrected.

The treasurer reported on the chapter’s finances.

President Slavin announced the following:
  • Dick Dante Sr. will be the guest speaker at the November meeting.
  • PTG membership dues for next year will increase by $10.00 to $235. That doesn’t include chapter dues.
  • Harriet Lipman’s name has been removed from the PTG membership roster.
  • Patricia Prudente, a piano salesperson at Steinway Hall, has left the piano retail business and moved to Florida.
  • The PTG website incorrectly listed Marty Dinerstein as our chapter newsletter editor. The Home Office has been contacted and asked that Robert Eccardt get credit as chapter newsletter editor.
  • The Dinner Committee hasn’t made a final decision regarding the location of our December dinner. Tesoro Ristorante is being considered.
The business meeting ended at 7:13 PM.

The evening’s technical discussion focused on pitch raising. Michael Slavin, Paul Keogler, Paul Eccardt, and Allan Schumacker spoke, each sharing his approach to pitch raising. Other members present asked questions added their thoughts throughout the discussion.

The meeting ended at 8:08 PM

Respectfully submitted,
Allan N. Schumacker, RPT