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Proposed Minutes of the October Meeting
by Marty Dinerstein - Secretary

The October Nassau PTG meeting was held on October 14, 2008. Eight members and four guests attended. We were glad to see Norman and Marilyn Heischober at our meeting. The minutes and treasurer's reports were read and accepted.

Old Business: The dinner committee reported that our end of year party would cost about 45 dollars each since we could not guarantee a large number of guests. We also had a question of why we stopped meeting at the church and it was answered that we save rent this way and that the chapter is doing well financially now. Norman Heischober mentioned that he has a film about PTG and suggested that the Home Office copyright and distribute it. The business meeting ended at 7:20 p.m.

Our technical was by RVP Chris Solliday. He advises us that PTG is doing well and has five people at the home office to handle questions from members. He also said that insurance is available for members and that the information can be found on the Piano Page on the Internet. Chris also discussed his business methods. He uses the PTG booklets on reasons for more frequent tunings, that says that pianos should be tuned four times a year. There are other business aids available from the PTG website. He suggests that we use these. He also suggested using music teachers to refer clients. He gives a discount to teachers who refer their students. Some other items mentioned by him are that only RPTs can use the PTG logo in their ad.Associate members must state that in their advertising.

The meeting ended at 8:30 p.m. We thank Frank and Camille's for the use of their store.

Tech Tip
by Michael Slavin, RPT

Annual reminder: It is now almost winter, and you should try to remember to remove your glues from your car overnight during the cold season. Constant freeze-thaw cycles can reduce the bonding properties and effectiveness of most adhesives (especially carpenter's wood glues such as Tite-Bond, PVC-E, etc.). And there is also the added inconvenience of trying to make a repair with a glue that is frozen solid or so thick that it will not flow.

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