The General Meeting
The general meeting for this month will be held on Tuesday, October 11 starting at 7 PM at:
The Piano Workshop
21-05 31 Ave
Astoria, NY 11106
corner of 21st Street and 31st Avenue
718 956-3110
Lenny Genovese' cell: 914 772-7362 (in case you get lost)
Click here for a printable and zoomable map
This month's technical class will be given by Marco De Lellis, the proprietor of the Piano Workshop, who will show us his rebuilding shop. There will be plenty of time for questions afterwards. Since there are not enough chairs for everyone, you may want to bring your own. Those attending the Executive Committe meeting will meet at 5 PM at the Piano Workshop and proceed from there to dinner.
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Minutes of the September Meeting
by Marty Dinerstein - Secretary
The September meeting of Nassau PTG was held on Tuesday September 13, 2005. The meeting started at 7 PM at the Steinway store in Westbury, New York. Seven members and one guest attended.
We discussed the process of changing the name of the chapter to the Nassau-Ernie Juhn Chapter. At the June meeting, which was our end-of-season party, we had a quorum of RPTs who voted to ask the Home Office for permission to change the name change of the chapter to the Ernie Juhn-Nassau Chapter. We will present the motion to the Home office since we had a quorum that approved sending it at the June party/meeting.
The business meeting ended at 7:30.
Our technical was by Chris Robinson, RPT. He showed us his method of voicing the Steinway hammer. Chris has determined a part of the hammer on the upper back part that faces the strings as the part that he hardens to get a brighter tone. He uses a dropper with a lacquer mixture applied only to the portion of the hammer and lets it get into the hammer by absorption.
(continued on the next page)