The May 8, 2018 meeting of the Nassau Chapter of PTG was held at Frank and Camille's. Seven members were present. Mike Slavin announced the minutes. He also mentioned that there may be an upcoming ban on plastic drinking straws. If you use them for hammer shank repair, collect as many as you can now.
Lee Dobrins presented the technical on damper regulation. He discussed how we all hate to adjust dampers, but "somebody's got to do it". Lee first discussed how to adjust the unicord, bichord and trichord dampers. He went into detail of all the problems associated with damper regulation. The group discussed fixes and tricks pertaining to damper repair. I wouldn't say it was an exciting meeting, but it's something we all must deal with and Lee gave us good info to use.
June's meeting will be the dinner. Please try to come if you haven't in a while. It's a lot of fun and also a good meal.