#6: Membership Application Procedures
Submitted by: Board
Bylaws and Regulations and Codes as follows:
Bylaws, Article
V, Section E delete entire existing section.
Amend Regulations
& Codes, Article III, Section A by adding the following wording
and renumbering subsequent section accordingly:
Article III,
Section A—Application
1. Application fee shall be $150 and
is nonrefundable. The Chapter’s portion of the processing fee shall
be $75 and is non-refundable.
2. Applications from former PTG
members will be processed in accordance with the provisions laid out
in the Disciplinary Code. DS. Section 2)
3. Criteria for
denying PTG new member applications.
a. Falsification of
information on the application form.
b. Refusal to sign the
application agreement to abide by the PTG Code of Ethics.
Failure to submit appropriate fees and dues.
d. Incidents
during former membership involving misuse or abuse of PTG supplies,
equipment or funds.
e. Incidents involving misuse of PTG logos
and emblems.
f. Advertisement of PTG membership as a
4. Upon completion of the application
process, the PTG Home Office shall notify the applicant. The dues
bill, pro-rated from the beginning of the month shall be sent,
payable within 30 days. Following receipt of pro-rated dues, a PTG
membership number shall be assigned.
Amend Article III,
Section A by replacing the current text with the following:
All applicants shall complete an official PTG Membership Application
Form and submit it alone with the application fee to the Home
2. The home office shall send a copy of the
application and the chapter’s portion of the application fee to the
appropriate chapter which shall constitute official notice to the
3. The local chapter shall contact the Home
Office regarding any objections to the application. In order to be
considered, such notice of objection (see Regulations. Article III.
Section A) shall be received by the Home Office within 60 days of
receipt of the original application by the Home Office.
Comments: The proposal would set uniform organization-wide
procedures for joining the Piano Technicians Guild; we have
repeatedly been told that we must have such uniformity in order to be
in compliance with the antitrust laws.
The proposal imposes new
membership requirements, including the payment of a higher
application fee. The proposal sets uniform criteria by which chapters
may evaluate their new applicants.
The proposal allows the
home office to take applications,
both to ensure access to the
organization by all those qualified to join,
and to be able to
begin taking online applications, which has become expected in the
modem world.
Bylaws Committee Comments: We feel this
proposal will fill the need PTG has for uniformity in its application
procedures and will allow PTG to be in compliance with antitrust
laws. This committee has researched aspects of this issue for the
last three years and have come to understand the legal requirements,
ramifications and limitations our organization faces in moving into
compliance with the law. The Chair of the Bylaws Committee attended
the Mid Year Board meeting to assist the Board in developing this
proposal. We recognize that some procedures may need to be addressed
as this new process is implemented but these “growing pains” are
to be expected and can be addressed as they arise. The Bylaws
Committee recommends adoption.