The General Meeting
The general meeting for this month will be on Monday, May 12, 2003 starting at 7 PM at Frank and Camille's Westbury location at 15 Old Country Road (1 block east of Fortunoff's).
Frank and Camille have added the prestigious Seiler line of handcrafted European pianos. Don Stevenson will be presenting a technical seminar and talk about the Seiler piano.
Wine & cheese and coffee & pastries will be served.
RSVP by calling 516 333-2811
Note the three changes from our usual procedure: the meeting is on a Monday, it's an hour earlier, and you are requested to give advance notice if you plan to attend.
And don't forget our outing on May 6 at 9 AM at the Steinway factory in Queens.
TEL: 631-654-3016
Minutes of the April Meeting
by Marty Dinerstein - Secretary
Our April meeting was held at the church in Baldwin. The meeting started at 7 PM. Our president, Paul Eccardt, opened the meeting . The minutes were read and accepted and the treasurer's report was given. We are awaiting the check from the home office for the dues receipts.
There were no committee reports. We will be advised of the place for our June party next meeting. The business meeting ended at 7:25.
Our technical was by Andre Bolduc of Montreal. Andre described and showed us a video of a method of removing a pinblock from a vertical piano. The method consists of removing the sides of the piano and laying it sideways. A jig is used to drill small, deep holes through the pinblock from the top. The holes are drilled close to the back of the pinblock which is attached to a board that is part of the piano frame. We want to save the board to have a point of reference to install the new pinblock. After drilling holes very close together across the pinblock, we cut across it to get the pinblock out. The remainder of the pinblock that is attached to the back board is then removed by soaking it with wet, hot cloths. The material is then chiseled out.
(continued on the next page)