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Minutes of the April Meeting
by Marty Dinerstein - Secretary

The April meeting of the Nassau PTG was held on April 9 at 8 PM. Eight regular members attended. The previous minutes were read and accepted. A treasurer's report by Paul Keogler was read. The Home Office sent us $1,000 in dues. The bank has not charged us for our account, and so no change will be made. We will monitor the situation. The treasurer's report was accepted.

We were advised that Roy Ratigan has been dropped by the Home Office for non-payment of dues. The New England Seminar was on April 25 in Vermont. See Paul for more information.

Committee Reports: Our end of season party is in June. A separate announcement is in this newsletter. We had no quorum for elections. We are sending Allan Schumacher as our delegate to the convention. Ernie Juhn may be our alternate. The business segment ended at 8:30 PM.

Technical: Paul Eccardt, our president, gave the technical on customer relations. Some of the points covered were: dressing presentably, being on time or calling if you will be late. Also covered were discussions about telling the client honestly what condition the piano is in and what you can do to help. By doing this you give the client an opportunity to know what should be done and also the chance to decide what they would like to have done. It is important, he said, not only to stress the work that you can do, or like to do, but also the entire list of things to be done. One can always subcontract any parts that you cannot or do not want to do.

One other important point is to let the customer play the piano. Paul stressed that it is important to encourage them to play something if possible to avoid a service call later.

The meeting ended at 9:40 PM. We thank Paul for his interesting presentation. Our next meeting is on May 14.

Webb Phillips