Minutes of the April Meeting
by Marty Dinerstein - Secretary
The April meeting of Nassau PTG was held on April 10, 2001 at the Church in Baldwin. Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as amended. Paul Keogler gave a treasurer's report.We received a check from the home office which was deposited. We had Robert Eccardt, our newsletter editor, in attendance as a guest and George Mandel, a friend of Paul Eccardt our president.
It was reported that Mike Slavin got our deposit back from our chapter's holiday party. Our current slate of officers, Paul Eccardt - President, Mike Slavin - V.P., Marty Dinerstein - Secretary, and Paul Keogler, Treasurer, were elected by acclamation and they agreed to serve. It was reported that Charles Newman applied for membership. We agreed that he must attend at least one meeting in spite of his work schedule for the chapter to meet him before he can be accepted.
Our pre-summer party will be on June 12, 2001 at 7 PM at
Santoli's Restaurant
67-29 Main Street
Flushing, NY