Nassau Newsletter
April, 2007
Volume xiv, Number 4
Paul Eccardt - President, Michael Slavin - Vice President, Paul Keogler - Treasurer, Marty Dinerstein - Secretary

The General Meeting

The general meeting for this month will be held on Tuesday, April 10 starting at 7 p.m. at:

Frank and Camille's Keyboard Center
371 Old Country Road
Carle Place, New York
(516) 333-2811

This month's technical class will be an open discussion. Bring your questions, ideas and comments.

The Executive Committee will meet prior to the general meeting at 5 p.m. at the California Pizza Kitchen, 1256 Old Country Road, Westbury, diagonally across the street (1/4 mile east) from Frank and Camille's.

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Minutes of the March Meeting
by Marty Dinerstein - Secretary

The March meeting of Nassau PTG was held at Frank & Camilles Keyboard Center in Westbury, NY. Seven members and one guest attended. The meeting started at 7 p.m. The minutes were read and approved and the treasurer's report was read and approved.

New Business: Our election committee established a slate of candidates for office. These are Mike Slavin as president, Paul Eccardt as vice-president, Marty Dinerstein as secretary and Paul Keogler as treasurer. Ballots will be sent out to all members. Our dinner committee reported that they are making arrangements for our end of year party. Details will be announced at our next meeting. The business meeting ended at 8 p.m.

Our technical was by Mike Miccio of the NYC chapter. Mike discussed how to evaluate a piano. Some important details: get as much information about the piano as possible on the phone; check all aspects of the piano action for regulation; check player and sostenuto; note the expectations of the usage of the piano and consider whether you are inspecting the piano for the buyer or the seller. Mike also noted that we should check resource books and dealers for comparable sales. He also noted that we should not give appraisals unless we have specific proof of the value. Improper evaluation for the IRS can result in legal problems for the technician and the client. The meeting ended at 9 p.m. We thank Mike for his excellent presentation.