The General Meeting
The general meeting for this month will be held on Tuesday, April 11 at 7 p.m. at:
Frank and Camille's Keyboard Center
371 Old Country Road
Carle Place, New York
(516) 333-2811
This is a new location for Frank and Camille's. The store is located 1/4 mile east of the Meadowbrook Parkway on Old Country Road in the Sam Ash building, next to the Holiday Inn. The entrance and parking lot are in the rear of the building. Drive through the underpass in the center of the building.
The Executive Committee will meet at 5 p.m. at the California Pizza Kitchen, 1256 Old Country Road, Westbury, diagonally across the street (east) from Frank and Camille's.
For month's technical class, we will be discussing, examining, and comparing "price point" pianos (inexpensive Asian imports) with better quality imported and domestic pianos.
The annual election of chapter officers will take place at the April meeting. Every vote is important, and all members' attendance is requested and needed.
Tech Tip
by Michael Slavin, RPT
I have been using what may be the best applicator for center pin lubricant I have yet found. It is a very large syringe called a food marinade / flavor injector, available at most upscale kitchenware stores. The one I have has a capacity of 40 ml (7 teaspoons), which is more than enough for an entire action without stopping to refill, and the long needle can easily reach the butt centers of vertical actions. It fully disassembles for cleaning, and the fairly large bore of the needle never clogs. The injectors usually cost about $5-10.
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