The General Meeting
The general meeting for this month will be at our regular meeting place on Tuesday April 8, 2003 starting at 7 PM at:
The First Church of Baldwin
(United Methodist)
881 Merrick Road
Baldwin, NY
Note that this an hour earlier than the usual time, and that the technical will held before the business part of the meeting this month. This month's technical class will be given by Andre Bolduc of Les Pianos, Inc. in Quebec. The topic will be an interesting one, pinblock installation in a vertical piano.
TEL: 631-654-3016
Minutes of the March Meeting
by Marty Dinerstein - Secretary
The March meeting of Nassau Chapter of the PTG was called to order by President Paul Eccardt at 7 PM at the Steinway showroom on Old Country Road in Westbury, Long Island. Eleven regular members and two guests were present. The previous minutes were read and accepted. We had a treasurer's report which stated that we are in sound financial shape because of expected member dues coming in April. We decided to invite Ruth Juhn to our dinner in June. We also discussed the possibility of renaming our chapter the Ernie Juhn chapter. We will investigate the legality of doing this with the Home Office. The business meeting ended at 7:30 PM.
Our technical was by Kent Webb of Steinway. He introduced us to the Essex and Boston pianos, which are products of Steinway.
The Boston and Essex pianos were introduced to fill the need of people who wanted to purchase a piano that was in a lower price range than Steinway. Although both of these pianos are mass-produced, while Steinway is hand crafted, they are designed by Steinway and are produced abroad under Steinway supervision to allow them to be sold for a lower price than Steinway. Kent stressed that quality and cost were factors in producing these pianos and that Steinway offered an unlimited period to trade up to a Steinway with full credit for the price paid. Some differences between the Boston and Essex are in the materials used for keys; spruce for Boston and basswood for Essex, and the hammers, which are made of different woods. The Essex offers more choice of furniture designs. Prices vary, but the Essex is slightly less expensive than the Boston.
Our meeting ended at 9 PM. We thank Kent Webb for his presentation and also thank Steinway for the use of their showroom.