(Minutes - continued from page 1)
New Business: The home office sent the name of a prospective candidate from
Brooklyn to our chapter. The matter will be sent back to them as he probably
should belong to the NYC Chapter.
It was announced that Paul Keogler and his wife Lisa are proud parents of a
baby girl. The chapter extends congratulations.
The dinner committee chairman, Mike Slavin reported that the place we chose
for the June party has closed. He will investigate another place.
The business meeting closed at 8:30.
Technical: Our technical was by Kent Webb of Steinway. The topic was vertical
service and repairs.
His main points were that the upright is an important part of our business.
We should use a checklist to evaluate the piano's condition. Some of the
items to check are strings, hammers, key leveling, and dampers.
He also stressed the importance of explaining to the client that pianos
should be tuned to 440 in order to be the way they were manufactured. He
tries to get the client to have the piano tuned to proper pitch.
Kent gave us some tips about how to make our own lubricant for sluggish
hammers and many other valuable tips for field work. The most important point
was to do more than just tune, as we are the experts and must educate the
client as to the total condition of the piano.
We thank Kent for his interesting and very informative presentation.