Nassau Newsletter
March, 2010
Volume xvii, Number 3
Michael Slavin - President, Paul Eccardt - Vice President, Paul Keogler - Treasurer, Allan Schumacker - Secretary

The General Meeting

The general meeting for this month will be held on Tuesday, March 9 starting at 7 p.m. at:

Frank and Camille's Keyboard Center
371 Old Country Road
Carle Place, New York
(516) 333-2811

Please note: Frank and Camille's will now be closing at 8 p.m. The meeting must begin promptly.

This month's technical will be a group discussion of how our businessesss have changed in this difficult economy, and how we must adapt our operating methods to add or retain customers, customer relations and pricing, and use of new technologies.

The Executive Committee will meet prior to the general meeting at 5 p.m. at the Olive Garden Restaurant, 1120 Old Country Road, Westbury, diagonally across the street from Frank and Camille's.

Tech Tip
by Michael Slavin, Chapter President

Here is a great suggestion given to me by Mark Wisner and Don Mannino at Kawai Technical Support, to eliminate buzzes and rattles in the long hinges on lids and fallboards. Traditionally we would push out the long pin/rod and apply a light coating of a solid lubricant such as white lithium grease or Protek MPL, and then reinsert it into the hinge. An equally effective method is to apply boiled linseed oil to the hinge with a small hobby paintbrush, seeping it into the hinge at each segment, as well as dripping it in at each end directly onto the rod. The linseed oil will dry to form a gel-like coating on the hinge pin and eliminate the extraneous noise. Dispose of any rags and brushes properly and immediately, as linseed oil is flammable.
Note: boiled linseed oil is available in the paint department of hardware stores.

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