by Paul Eccardt, Chapter President
Written estimates can look completely different from one
piano technician to another.
My written estimates were made out of a small general purpose
book, bought from a stationary store, with my name stamped
on each page. Recently, I looked at several pianos for repairs
at a college. Before I handed in my estimate, the man I was
dealing with showed me another company's estimate, which made
mine look like garbage. Their estimate was much higher priced
than mine, but it looked so nice, it seemed they had a much better
chance at getting the job.
I told the man that I would write another one, and send it to
him. Luckily for me, he was just a middle manager and didn't have the
authority to make the decision. When I got home, I tried to make
the new estimate look just as good as the one I saw. First, I made
company stationary with a picture on it, using my computer.
Then I typed it all out with columns, listing the location of the pianos, piano brands,
serial and model numbers, etc. I got a color folder, pasted the
school name on the front, and made it like a booklet. So far, neither
of us has gotten the job yet, but the middle manager I was dealing with said that he thinks I'm going to get the job.