The General Meeting
The general meeting for this month will be held on Monday, February 13, 2012 starting at 7 p.m. at:
Frank and Camille's Keyboard Center
371 Old Country Road
Carle Place, New York
(516) 333-2811
This month's technical class will be by an old friend of our chapter, Alex Kostakis of AC Pianocraft, which is well known for
its very fine rebuilding and restoration of high-quality grand pianos. Alex will discuss replacement of broken agraffes and
related issues.
The Executive Committee will meet prior to the general meeting at 5 p.m. at
the Olive Garden Restaurant, 1120 Old Country Road, Westbury, diagonally across
the street from Frank and Camille's.
Tech Tip
by Michael Slavin, Chapter President
I have mounted an 18 inch under-counter flourescent light to the front of my regulating rack (the same width of the rack).
The light source makes let-off, drop, hammer line, and backcheck adjustments very visible, easy, and accurate. These
lamps are very inexpensive, and the keyhole mounts make for quick installation and removal. Placing the light on the
balance pins (so no extra weight is applied to the keysticks) also makes key leveling and dip quicker and more accurate,
by providing illumination behind the straight-edge.
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