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Webb Phillips


Tech Tip by Michael Slavin, RPT

When re-installing a grand lyre, the trapwork levers often hang too low and free, which interferes with the pedal rods as you try to slide the unit into mounting position. This is especially true of Steinway lyres (and some other makes as well), which have locking plates which must be engaged. If the pedal rods can be removed, the installation is easy, but often the pedal rods must remain mounted in position in the lyre, making matters more difficult.

I have found that the trap-levers can be raised and held in position by simply wedging a rubber tuning mute in a strategic position. You may have to place the wedge between the split lever arms, or between the lever and the down-stop screw, or even between the lever and the guide dowels or mounting blocks -- there is always a spot which will keep the trap-lever raised, disengaged, and out of the way.

Local High School selling Fender Rhodes electric piano. Reasonable offer accepted. Call Michael Slavin at (516) 781-8888 for contact information.