The General Meeting
The general meeting for this month will be held on Tuesday, January 11 starting at 7 PM at:
Frank and Camille's
15 Old Country Road (1 block east of Fortunoff's)
Westbury, New York
Note that this is not the same location as the past few months.
This month's technical class will be given by Kent Webb of Steinway. He calls this presentation "When Bad Things Happen to Good Pianos".
The Executive Committee will meet at 5 PM at the Cheesecake Factory
Restaurant in the Food Court on the second floor of the Fortunoff Mall, prior to the
general meeting.
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For February
we are considering a joint meeting with the Suffolk chapter, to be held at Gary Schultz' shop. Dan Manino from Kawai will give the presentation on Tuesday, February 15th starting at 3 PM. There will be a break for dinner, and then another presentation beginning at the usual 7 PM hour. Stop by this month's meeting and we'll discuss this idea.
Minutes of the December Meeting
by Marty Dinerstein - Secretary
The December meeting consisted of a party at the Washington Manor in Roslyn, New York. Eight members attended with their guests and we had a magnificent time eating and talking. It gave some of us a chance to meet the person behind the technician who is involved indirectly or directly in the business.
We thank Mike Slavin and the dinner committee for their having chosen such a lovely place for our party.
We hope that more people will attend when we get together at the end of June.