The General Meeting
The general meeting for this month will be at our regular meeting place on Tuesday January 13, 2004 starting at 7 PM at:
The First Church of Baldwin
(United Methodist)
881 Merrick Road
Baldwin, NY
This month's technical class will be given by Steve Fairchild, Senior. He will be discussing new his new E.Z. tune temperament and will answer questions on aural or electronic tuning.
The Executive Committee will meet at 5 PM at La Parma Restaurant, 410 Merrick Road, Oceanside prior to the general meeting.
Tech Tip
by Paul Eccardt, Chapter President
Digital cameras can be used as a business tool.
The other day a new customer called me and asked me
to look at a piano for her. I told her that
she should look at it first, to make sure she would be happy with its appearance.
She said she didn't have time, along with a
few other excuses. I didn't want her to purchase the piano based on my opinion, and end up dissatisfied
with the way it looks, and so I took a picture of it, downloaded it into my computer and e-mailed it to her.
I think she was impressed with that.
These cameras are getting better, smaller, and less expensive. We can bring them with us
on the job if we want, since they fit right in our pockets. If
you have any kind of unusual problem, you can take
a picture of it, and when you get home you can think about
it, or show it to someone else and discuss the problem. The best part is that you
can take as many pictures as you want, and it doesn't cost
anything. If you have a web site you can put pictures of
pianos in it, and when you sell the piano, you take them right
out. If you are rebuilding someone's piano, you can show
pictures of the process on the piano being rebuilt
or a previous one that you did. Just send e-mail - it's free!