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Tech Tip by Paul Eccardt

Here are some quick ways to change the touch on vertical pianos.

Before trying to change the touch, make sure the piano is well regulated, and all the action centers and balance rail key holes are free. See if the touch feels a lot different with and without the sustain pedal on. If you can feel a big difference, the problem could be that the damper springs are too tight, the damper spoons are lifting too fast, or spoons are digging into the felt. If there isn't much difference in touch when the pedal is down, then you can try increasing or decreasing hammer blow distance. Decreasing it (by raising the hammer rest rail) makes it feel lighter; increasing makes it feel heavier. Of course, if you raise the hammer rest rail, you will have to adjust the capstans to take out the lost motion.

If you loosen the butt springs, you will increase the repetition and also make the touch a little lighter. If you tighten the jack springs you also make the repetition better, but you will make the touch a little heavier. Changing the keys from ivory to plastic or filing the hammers will make the touch lighter, sometimes so light the keys don't come back. If that happens, you need to put keyleads on the backs of the keys.

Putting new hammers on the piano will make the touch heavier. To compensate, you can put key leads towards the fronts of the keys, but before you screw them down, make sure the keys come back fast enough while holding down the sustain pedal.